Duchcov Chateau
The last stay of Giacomo Casanova
Order Tour Code: C NWW6
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An impressive chateau with Baroque and neo-Classicist features, the origins of
it date back to the 16th century. The rooms of the chateau contain collection
of antique furniture, the Wallenstein collection of paintings and a room
devoted to Giacomo Casanova ( 1725 – 1798 ), who spent the last 13 years of his
life here as the chateau librarian .
Casanova also wrote a big part of his literary works here, among others The History of My Life (famous Casanova's memoirs) and The History of Lead Chambers Escape. His death chair is a part of the permanent exposition, he was intered by a nearby St. Barbora church, the exact place remains unknown.
Originally a Gothic keep, later a Renaissance castle, rebuilt into a palatial Baroque mansion in the 17th and 18th century. In the break of the 18th and 19th century modified in Classicist style, the last owners were Valdštejns family, the castle was sold to the state in the 20s of the 20th century, new castle expositions are being added since the 60s. Monumental western staircase balustrade leads to extensive castle park, originally Baroque, modified into a Romantic english park in the 19th century. The park was damaged a lot due to coal mining in the 60s but has been renovated in the present, there is also a pavilion for Reiner's fresco from a destroyed Baroque spital. Beautiful Baroque Princely garden next to the castle. Many M. B. Braun's sculptures.
NW from Prague – 2hours
Trips :
1)Duchcov castle trip number CNWW6 – 6hour round trip
Trips combinations :
NW from Prague – 2hours
Trips combinations :
2)Duchcov castle CNWW6 + Strekov castle CNWW2 – 8hour round trip
3)Duchcov castle CNWW6 + Terezin concentration camp CNW3 - 8hour round trip
4)Duchcov castle CNWW6 + Nelahozeves castle CNW1 - 10hour round trip
5)Duchcov castle CNWW6 + Melnik castle CN1 - 10hour round trip
6)Duchcov castle CNWW6 + Karlovy Vary spa CWW2 - 11hour round trip
7)Duchcov castle CNWW6 + Terezin conc. camp CNW3 + Karlovy Vary spa CWW2 - 12hour round trip
8)Duchcov castle CNWW6 + Nelahozeves castle CNW1 + Strekov castle CNWW2 - 12hour round
9)Duchcov castle CNWW6 + Melnik castle CN1 + Strekov castle CNWW2 - 12hour round trip
10)Duchcov castle CNWW6 + Nelahozeves castle CNW1 + Karlovy Vary spa CWW2 - 12hour
round trip
11)Duchcov castle CNWW6 + Melnik castle CN1 + Karlovy Vary spa CWW2 - 12hour round
12)Duchcov castle CNWW6 + Strekov castle CNWW2 + Karlovy Vary spa CWW2 - 12hour round
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