Cesky Krumlov Town & Castle Tour
UNESCO protected site. Egon Schiele Art Museum
Order Tour Code: C SS1
Tour availability:
UNESCO protects this magic 16th
century town
and castle in South Bohemia. On
Mondays or
in winter, when the castle is closed,
you can
see instead the exteriors of castles
the town such as Hluboka, Konopiste,
or the
museum of Austrian painter Egon
Schiele in
Cesky Krumlov. This town is the
second most
popular to see after Prague.
We recommend a combination with
Velke Popovice
Konopiste castle
Hluboka castle
Brewery Budweiser
Budvar and
Ceske Budejovice town,
Trebon castle and
town is possible.
The original Gothic castle was
founded by the Lords of Krumlov some
time before
1250. They represented a branch of
the powerful family of the Witigonen
with the
five-petalled rose in their coat-of-
When the Lords of Krumlov died out in
1302, their relatives the Rosenbergs
inherited the castle. The Rosenberg
family had their seat there up till
1602. There
name as well as the three centuries
of their rule is connected with the
era of flourish of the town and
castle. In the second half of the
16th century the
castle was transformed into a
magnificent Renaissance residence.
The town gained
most of its present appearance at
this time as well. At that time the
rulers of the
Rosenberg dominion represented
eminent personalities among Bohemian
educated humanists, patrons of the
culture and arts and prominent
politicians all
filling the highest post within
Bohemian Kingdom.
The last member of the Rosenberg
family, Petr Vok,sold the Krumlov
castle and
estates to the Viennese Emperor
Rudolf the Second in 1602.
Twenty years later, the Emperor
Ferdinand the Second gave the Krumlov
estates to
the Eggenbergs, a powerful noble
family from Upper Austria. Thanks to
Prince Johann
Christian I. of Eggenberg, who
represents the third generation of
the Eggenberg
family, more intensive development of
farming, building activities and arts
evident in the 1680´s and the Český
Krumlov Castle surmounted the period
provincial backwardness and
stagnation in economy and arts
resulting from the
Thirty Years´ War. Prince Johann
Christian of Eggenberg converted
Český Krumlov
Castle into an impressive Baroque
As the Eggenbers died out without
successors in 1719, the new dynasty -
princely lineage of the
Schwarzenbergs - inherited Krumlov
castle and estates. As
early as in their second generation
Josef I. Adam of Schwarzenberg showed
creative personality. A deft and
enterprising businessman as well as a
art lower, he played an important
role in the far-reaching
reconstructions of the
castle. Inclination towards the
culture of the imperial residence in
contributed to the enrichment of
building innovations as well as of
social life at
the castle with the cultural
impetusof European importance.
Towards the end of the
18th century, and especially in the
19th century, the protracted
stagnation of art
and economy became evident, and after
the middle 19th century the Český
Castle lost its role as the main
residence of the Krumlov-Hluboká
branch and was not regularly
inhabited even in the 20th century.
In 1947, the Schwarzenberg property,
including Ceský Krumlov, was
transferred to
the Czech provincial properties and
after the abolition of the provincial
systém it
became the property of the
Czechoslovak State in 1950.
Tour Route I
The first route at Český Krumlov
Castle is focused on the original
castle interiors
from the Ranaissance and Baroque
periods (16th - 18th centuries). It
includes among
other room the Castle Chapel of St.
George, Eggenberg Hall with a
"golden" carriage
and Masquerade Hall.
Tour Route II
The second tour route at Cesky
Krumlov Castle focuses on the history
of the
Schwarzenberg family. It begins with
a visit to the Schwarzenberg portrait
with paintings of members from the
forefather Erkinger up to the early
century, and ends with a tour of the
corridors of the "Cloak" Bridge.
Tour Route III
Baroque Theatre at Cesky Krumlov
Castle is the best preserved Baroque
Theatre in
Europe, in its original building and
with orchestra pit, stage, machinery,
librettos, props, costumes etc
preserved. Due to its delicate
restoration, the
Baroque Theatre has become a unique
complexly preserved historical sight.
Tour Route IV
The new Castle Museum exhibition was
opened in 2011 by the National
Institute. Museum visitors have a
unique opportunity to peek into the
secrets of
the castle depositories relating to
the most important events connected
with the
Rožmberk, Eggenberk and Schwarzenberg
owners of the Krumlov estate. Entry
to the
Castle Museum exhibition is
individual, without a guide but with
the option to rent
an audioguide.
Cesky Krumlov is situated on the
River Vltava with the ancient town
on one bank and the castle ground on
the other bank.
The landmark of the
panorama of the town is Cesky Krumlov
Castle which consists of two parts:
the Lower castle with a round tower
(built in the 13th century) and the
Upper castle, built in the 14th
The castle was expanded several
times. Later, the owners made some
Baroque modifications: the chapel was
rebuilt, masquerade hall decorated
and a new manor theatre built.
Prague Castle, it is the second most
outstanding castle in the Czech
The magnificent interiors of the
castle are open to the public
interiors--two sight-seeing routes).
The castle´s viewing tower and
rooms are also open to the public.
You can also see the Museum of the
painter Egon Schiele in the town.
Town History
According to legend, the name Krumlov
is derived from the German "Krumme
which may be translated as "crooked
meadow". The name comes from the
topography of the town, specifically
from the tightly crooked meander of
the Vltava
river. The word "Český" simply means
Czech, or Bohemian (actually one and
same), as opposed to Moravian or
Silesian. In Latin documents it was
Crumlovia or Crumlovium. The town was
first mentioned in documents from
1253, where
Krumlov was called Chrumbonowe.
The flow of the Vltava River has long
been a natural transportation
entrance to
this region.
In the Early Middle Ages the routes
along the Vltava river created the
trade routes
torical Routes in the Cesky Krumlov
Region. In the 9th century the area
probably owned by the noble Czech
family of Slavníkovci, who were
slaughtered by
the rival family of Premyslovci in
995. This area then became their
property. In
accordance with the principles of
internal colonization and bestowing
of sovereign
domains in fief to members of a
sovereign dynasty, this domain was
thus given by
the ruling family of Přemyslovci to
one of their own lines - The
Witigonen in Czech
known as the Vítkovci.
According to the legend, the family
of Witigonen has its origins in
Ancient Rome.
The family was related to the Roman
Ursini family, who is said to have
resided on
the mountain "Mons Rosarum" near the
city of Rome. After Rome was
plundered by the
hordes of the Visigoth leader Totila
in 546, the family left Rome and one
of its
members named Vítek (in German,
Witigon) travelled together with his
wife and child
up to the north, passed the Donau
river and settled in Southern
Bohemia. He started
a new family there and gradually
acquired extensive domains, which he
gave to his
five sons before his death. Each son
received a coat-of-arms with a five-
rose, the color of which symbolized
each particular dominion.
So much for legend - historical
reality offers us some slight
variations. Vítek did
not come to South Bohemia in the 6th
but the 12th century, and he did not
come from
the Italian family of Ursini but from
the family line of a Czech Princess
of the
Přemyslovci. In 1173 Vítek of Prčice
was mentioned as an envoy to the
Friedrich Barbarossa, and in 1179 he
apparently settled in Southern
In 1251 the Bohemian King Přemysl
Otakar II gained Austrian lands
through marriage
to Anna Maria of Bamberg. Přemysl
Otakar II, with his well-thought out
policy, tried to populate the
sporadically settled Šumava region in
the Czech-
Austrian borderland and this way
integrate his domains in Bohemia with
his newly
gained territories in Austria.
The town name was first mentioned in
a letter of Duke Otokar Styrsky in
1253. The
town was established essentially in
two stages. The first part was built
spontaneously below the Krumlov
castle, called Latrán and settled
mostly by people
who had some administrative
connection with the castle. The name
and foundation of
this part of town is shrouded in
legend as well - the castle and town
allegedly built in a place where the
Vítkovci overcame a nest of bandits
that had
been kidnapping and thieving. To the
memory of the villain´s hiding place
it was
called Latrán (Tales and Legends of
Český Krumlov). The reality is,
however, more
prosaic - latus in latin means
lateral, side part and residences
below the castle
were given this name.
The second part of the town was
founded as a typical settlement on a
meadow", i.e. in a place where no
previous settlement had been. The
subsequently took shape as a typical
colonisation ground plan with a
square in the centre with streets
from its corners leading to the town
In 1302 the Krumlovian branch of the
Vítkovci died out, and according to
the law of
escheat their domains should have
passed to the king. At that time the
estates consisted of a relatively
extensive network of castles and
smaller subject
towns which were sources of numerous
incomes for aristocracy. A member of
powerful branch of the Vítkovec
family, Jindřich von Rosenberg, asked
the king
Václav II to override the law of
escheat and vest the Krumlovian
estates to The
Rosenbergs. They later made Krumlov
the main residence of their family.
During the rule of the Rosenberg
family, the town as well as the
castle flourished.
Crafts and trade developed, elaborate
homes were built, and the town was
with various privileges such as the
right to mill, brew beer, hold
markets, etc.
Meat shops and breweries were built,
and twice a year there was a fair. In
there were 96 houses in the town.
Peter I von Rosenberg was the
sovereign responsible for giving the
town its
original 14th century appearance. He
was brought up in the Cistercian
Monastery in
Vyssi Brod, and this upbringing had a
strong influence on his personality.
his rule the Rosenberg estates
flourished. Peter became first man of
the politics
of the day and at the same time the
richest aristocrat in the country.
The town´s later fifteenth century
appearance was given especially by
Ulrich II.
von Rosenberg. Under his rule, the
territory was considerably enlarged,
especially to his clever policy
during the Hussite Wars. At the
beginning Ulrich
supported the Hussite movement,
especially in matters of the
speculation of church
properties. During this time he
enriched himself with territories
formerly owned by
the Cistercian Monastery Zlatá Koruna
or Milevsko. After the Hussite
calmed down, he reverted back to the
side of the Catholic church and his
court in
Krumlov became a refuge for Catholic
intelligence and artists expelled
from Prague.
His court thus became a political
centre and a bastion of support for
the Pope´s
process of recatholisation, and at
the same time he associated
personalities which
were gradually accepting ideas of
Humanism and Renaissance in the Czech
In the 16th century the town was
ruled by the last Rosenbergs who
influenced the present appearance of
the town and its surroundings. The
magnate Wilhelm von Rosenberg, the
most considerable aristocratic
personality of
the politics and culture of that
time, especially initiated
reconstructions of
townhouses as well as the castle into
Renaissance style. On 14th August
Wilhelm joined the two parts of town
which had been up to then seperate,
Latrán and
the Old town, to prevent litigations
concerning particular privileges.
Peter Wok von Rosenberg, the last
member of the family, was forced by
debts to sell
Krumlov to Emperor Rudolf II of
Habsburg in 1601, who placed his
illegitimate son
Don Julius there for a short period
of time. In 1611 the town faced the
assault of the Passau army, during
the Thirty Years War it was occupied
by the
Emperor´s army, and in 1648 it was
invaded by the Swedish army. The
Thirty Years´
War brought a new lordship to the
town; the Emperor Ferdinand II of
Habsburg vested
the town to the Styrian family of
Eggenberg in 1622 in return for their
suppor during the war. Afterwards
three generations of the Eggenbergs
held Cesky
Krumlov. Only the third-generation
personality Johann Christian I. von
influenced the town and castle´s
appearance by grand construction
works and rich
cultural and social events.
The family of Eggenbergs died out at
the beginning of the 18th century and
in 1719
their heirs the Schwarzenbergs came
to Krumlov. Under the rule of Joseph
Adam zu
Schwarzenberg, Český Krumlov overcame
the imaginary borders of parochialism
for the
third time.
During World War II there were
neither any significant battles in
Český Krumlov nor
bombing. Krumlov was liberated in
1945 by the American army.
Since the mid 1960's, special care
has been devoted to the preservation
of the
historical merits of Cesky Krumlov;
the town was included in 1992 onto
List of World Cultural and Natural
S from Prague – 2,5hours
Trips :
1)Cesky Krumlov trip number CSS1 –
9hour round trip
Trips combinations :
2)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Hluboka castle
CSS3 – 11hour round trip
3)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Ceske
Budejovice town and brewery CSS5 –
10hour round trip
4)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Konopiste
castle CSE1 - 10hour round trip
5)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Orlik castle
CS4 - 10hour round trip
6)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Cervena Lhota
castle CSS6 - 10hour round trip
7) Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Jindrichuv
Hradec CSS2 – 11hour round trip
8) Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Trebon town
and castle CSS4 - 11hour round trip
9) Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Jindrichuv
Hradec CSS2 + Ceske Budejovice CSS5 -
round trip
10) Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Jindrichuv
Hradec CSS2 + Hluboka castle CSS3 -
round trip
11)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Orlik castle
CS4 + Hluboka castle CSS3 - 12hour
round trip
12)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Hluboka
castle CSS3 + Ceske Budejovice CSS5 -
12hour round
13)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Karlstejn
CSW1 - 12 hour round trip
14)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Konopiste
castle CSE1 + Hluboka castle CSS3 -
12hour round
15)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Jindrichuv
Hradec CSS2 + Konopiste castle CSE1 -
round trip
16)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Orlik castle
CS4 + Hluboka castle CSS3 - 12hour
round trip
17)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Trebon town
and castle CSS4 - 11hour round trip
18)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Trebon town
and castle CSS4 + Hluboka castle CSS3
- 12hour
round trip
19)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Trebon town
and castle CSS4 + Jindrichuv Hradec
CSS2 -
round trip
20)Cesky Krumlov on the way to Wien -
transfer to Wien + 20% of the price
21)Cesky Krumlov CSS1 + Mauthausen
concentration camp in Austria CA6 -
13hour round
22)Plzen CSWW1 + Cesky Krumlov town
and castle CSS1 - 12hour round trip
What the chateaux of the Loir river
symbolise in France that the castles
of the
Moldau (Vltava ) river are in the
Central Europa.
CESKY KRUMLOV - the magic 16th
century city protected by the UNESCO
ORLIK CASTLE - again the ownership of
the Schwarzenberg family laying on
left bank of the Vltava river offers
the magnificient collections of art.
HLUBOKA CASTLE - the most beautiful
castle in Bohemia .
Our popular tours are outlined on our
web sites:
Please send an e-mail to order the tour!