USTEK medieval town and Synagogue
Order Tour Code: CNWW7
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The medieval town built on the rocky hill, partly cut in the sandstone rock, attracted many movie makers. It is one of the center of the hop making. The synagogue survived in the town.
The town is situated nearby the medieval town Litomerice and the concentration camp Terezin.
A combination with Litoměřice medieval town , Terezin WW2 memorial, concentration camp , Nelahozeves castle ,
Karlovy Vary - Carlsbad spa ,
Lidice Village - Memorial of WW2 ,
Libochovice chateau ,
Zatec center of hop making ,
Melnik castle or
Dresden is available.
The Basin of Ustek is situated in the picturesque landscape of Northern Bohemia, on the boundary of the Nature Reserves of Ceske Stredohori (Czech Highland) and Kokorinsko. The Ustek area can be found in the Eastern part of the Ústi nad Labem district and forms a part of its border with the Liberec Region. The town of Úštěk was built at the foothills of sandstone walls in the eastern part of Ceske Stredohori with the highest hill of Sedlo (726 meter above sea level). The area is traversed with Loubni, Cerveny and Usteckz brooks; the latter empties into the Elbe River near the town of Litomerice. The Chmelar pond north of the foothills is the largest water area (67 ha) and an important agricultural and economic element of the whole region.
The town, as a preservation area and its neighborhood have attracted many visitors from the country as well as from abroad who may admire here those many beautiful corners and places. During summer, the small-town atmosphere changes as if touched by a magic wand. The town is also immortalized in many successful films. A number of film heroes were inhabitants of the town in their imaginary film lives, for instance the grandmother in the Oscar award winning film "Kolja", the pilot Maděra from "Zdivocela zeme" (Savage Land), or the three deserters in the film "Rebelové" (Rebels). Also, the historical film "Zámek v Čechách" (A Chateau in Bohemia) was shot here. The neighborhood of the town has served as exterior scene of film fairy-tales and film stories for children such as the memorable "Pani kluci" (Brave Kids) or "O letajicim sevci" (The Flying Cobbler).
Synagogue in Ustek
The Jews
Tourist guide books printed after the Second World War ignored the local Jewish community which was small but very important until the end of the war. The Jews of Úštěk were first mentioned in a document from the year 1523. They were considered inferior because of their faith and way of life and they had no civil rights. They suffered the first serious attack in 1745 when the resolution of the Empress Maria Theresia from 1744 ordered Jews to move from the country which was a signal to looting for some of Úštěk citizens. Partakers of the looting, among them also the mayor, were accused and put on trial at the end of 1745.
The Tolerance Patent from 1781was an important step toward equal rights for Jews. From that year Jews were allowed to be tradesmen, to serve in the army, to build their houses outside assigned territory and to build synagogues for worshiping their God. The first, wooden synagogue which the Jews built according to the newly acquired rights unfortunately burnt down in 1793. In its place a new synagogue was built of sandstone from a nearby quarry. Later, the synagogue was extended and served until the Second World War. It survived the war untouched and was occupied until 1945. After 1948 the synagogue served as rubbish dump and quickly dilapidated. First the pews, then also the rest of the wooden equipment was burnt. The roof was decayed and the structural security of the building became damaged. The nationwide unique synagogue was renovated from initiative of the Prague Jewish community the renovation work starting in 1997. The renovation was financially supported by the state and by the town of Úštěk and is currently about to be completed. The houses adjacent to the synagogue were gradually demolished, the last one in 1946. The Jewish cemetery was situated on a slope under the Lhota village opposite to Šibeniční Hill. It was a burial place for Jews from neighboring communities. After 1948 the cemetery was administered by the town and slowly decayed. Today's municipal leaders decided to transfer the premises to the Jewish community free of charge in order to preserve for the future the place in piety.
It is a 5 hour round trip.
NW from Prague, 1,5 hour to drive
1)Ustek NWW7- 5 hour round trip
NW from Prague – 1hour
Trips combinations :
2)Ustek NWW7 + Terezin NW3 - 8 hour round trip
3)Ustek NWW7 + Litomerice town trip NWW5 - 8 hour round trip
4)Ustek NWW7 + Lidice WW2 memorialW2 - 8hour round trip
5)Ustek NWW7 + Nelahozeves castle NW1 – 8hour round trip
6)Ustek NWW7 + Melnik castle N1 – 8hour round trip
7)Ustek NWW7 + Duchcov castle NWW2 – 8-9hour round trip
8)Ustek NWW7 + Nelahozeves castle NW1 + Melnik castle N1 - 9-10hour round trip
9)Ustek NWW7 + Litomerice town trip NWW5 + Terezin NW3 - 9hour round trip
10)Ustek NWW7 + Dresden CA1 - 11-12hour round trip
11)Ustek NWW7 + Karlovy Vary spa WW2 - 11hour round trip
12)Ustek NWW7 + Strekov castle NWW2 - 11hour round trip
13)Ustek NWW7 + Terezin NW3 + Karlovy Vary spa WW2 - 13hour round trip
14)Ustek NWW7 + Karlovy Vary spa WW2 + Nelahozeves castle NW1 - 13hour round trip
15)Ustek NWW7 + Skoda historical cars museum NE1 - 10hour round trip
16)Ustek NWW7 + Skoda historical cars museum NE1 and factory NE2 - 11hour round trip
17)Ustek NWW7 + Terezin NW3 + Karlovy Vary spa WW2 + Lidice village WII memorial W2 - 14hour round trip
18)Ustek NWW7 + Terezin NW3 + Franz Kafka´s village B3 - 11hour round trip
19)Ustek NWW7 + Franz Kafka´s village B3 - 9hour round trip
20)Ustek NWW7 + Zatec hop making center - 8-9hour round trip
21)Ustek NWW7 + Franz Kafka´s village B3 + Nelahozeves castle NW1 - 9-10hour round trip
22)Ustek NWW7 + Terezin NW3 + Franz Kafka´s village B3 + Nelahozeves castle{NW1} - 13hour round trip
23)Ustek NWW7 + Litomerice town trip NWW5 + Dresden A1 - 12 hour round trip
24)Ustek NWW7 + Litomerice town trip NWW5 + Terezin NW3 + Dresden A1 - 14 hour round trip
25)Ustek NWW7 + Libochovice chateau NW5 - 8 hour round
26)Ustek NWW7 + Litomerice town trip NWW5 + Zatec town and hop museum CWW13 - 11hour round trip
27)Ustek NWW7 + Litomerice town trip NWW5 + Terezin NW3 + Zatec town and hop museum CWW13 - 12-13hour round trip
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