Classical Music Tour outside Prague in 3 DAYS
3 day round trip
Order Tour Code: PAC 20
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Jabkenice memorial of Bedrich Smetana
click on: Bedrich Smetana´s museum
Sychrov castle, where Antonin Dvorak stayed several times
click on: Sychrov castle
Nelahozeves, the birthplace of Antonin Dvorak
click on: click on: Nelahozeves castle
click on: Litomerice medieval town
overnight in Litomerice
8 hour round trip
Strekov castle, the source of inspiration of R. Wagner
click on: Strekov castle
Jezeri, the place of W. Gluck
click on: Jezeri castle
Karlovy Vary spa, the places, where stayed L. van Beethoven, W.A. Mozart, A. Dvorak
click on: Karlovy Vary - Carlsbad spa
overnight in the spa Karlovy Vary
8 hour round trip
Karlovy Vary spa
click on: Karlovy Vary - Carlsbad spa
Vysoka, the museum of Antonin Dvorak, where he composed the opera "Rusalka"
click on: Antonin Dvorak´s museum
Holy Mountain, pilgrimage place, the source of inspiration of Antonin Dvorak
click on: Catholic pilgrim site the Holy Mountain in Pribram
back to Prague
8 hour round trip
Jabkenice memorial of Bedrich Smetana
The Smetana Memorial is housed in the age-old gamekeeper’s lodge in the village of Jabkenice not far from Mladá Boleslav, close to a large fenced game range surviving to this day with beautiful natural scenery. The lodge served as headquarters for the forestry office of the Thurn-Taxis princes who owned the dominion. Starting in 1875 the forester here was Josef Schwarz, the husband of Smetana’s oldest daughter Žofie. After losing his hearing, the composer moved here in 1876 and spent the final years of his life in this environment. In the gamekeeper’s lodge in Jabkenice he composed many of his most important works: the operas The Kiss (Hubička), The Secret (Tajemství), and The Devil’s Wall (Čertova stěna), both of his string quartets, the piano cycles Dreams (Rêves) and Czech Dances (České tance), and some choral works. He also completed here the cycle of symphonic poems titled My Country (Má vlast).
The present exposition (the fourth in this location), devoted to the life of Smetana and his family in Jabkenice and his works from this period, opened in 2003. Its first part documents Smetana’s contacts with the area of Mladá Boleslav before his permanent residence in Jabkenice, and the life of his family and the family of Žofie and Josef Schwarz in the village. The second part is devoted to Smetana’s works composed during his Jabkenice period–their performance and dissemination via concerts and operatic productions and through publication both in Bohemia and abroad–and also commemorates some of his friends and collaborators who helped promote his works. The core of the exposition consists of interiors of Smetana’s study and family salon, reconstructed according to descriptions from the period and including some pieces of furniture from Smetana’s family as well as other authentic memorabilia. Displayed on the memorial’s ground floor is a set of sculptural depictions of Smetana by leading Czech artists. In one room we find a small gallery of artworks by the composer’s grandson Zdeněk Schwarz depicting Jabkenice and the surrounding area, as well as the restored stage curtain of the Jabkenice amateur players, painted in 1877 by Smetana’s wife Betty (also called ‘Bettina’). Here one can listen undisturbed to works of Smetana according to one’s own selection.
Sychrov castle, where Antonin Dvorak stayed several times
This castle was built by the Rohans, an old aristocratic family who left France after its revolution in the 18th century. Before they came to our country, the family ranked among the ten most influential aristocratic clans in France. It is open every day of the year. We recommend to have the lunch in the castle on the rock Hruba Skala with the great view of the Bohemian Paradise, the rocky formations protected by UNESCO.
Nelahozeves village
It is the birthplace of Antonin Dvorak
The composer’s family home in Nelahozeves is in charge of Antonín Dvořák Museum, the part of Czech museum of Music - National Museum. It is possible to visit the museum in Zlonice and to arrange the opening of the church of st. Andrew, where Antonin Dvorak was baptised and where he played his first violin solo in 1854.
The castle of the same name the village has got, has returned to the private ownership of the Lobkowicz family. There is the permanent exhibition entitled Private Spaces: A Noble Family
at Home. It is open every day
except Mondays.
The medieval town Litomerice with its churches and historic cellars surrounded by the beautiful mountains called the Czech Central Mountains.
overnight in Litomerice
8 hour round trip
Strekov castle, the source of inspiration of R. Wagner
The Romantic ruins of the 14th century Gothic castle with a great view over the river Labe (Elbe). Nowadays owned again by the Lobkowicz family. The romantic settings of the castle and its positions have inspired many artists whose ranks include R. Wagner, E.G.Doerell, L. Richter.
Jezeri, the place of Ch. W. Gluck
This chateau was considered before the communism one of the most beautiful Baroque buildings in Europe.
Nowadays it is the tragic example of devastation. It was and is owned again by the the Lobkowitz family.
The father of Christoph Willibald Gluck
was hunting and forest master for the Lobkowitz family here.
Karlovy Vary spa, the places, where stayed L. van Beethoven, W.A. Mozart, A. Dvorak
Karlovy Vary spa
Carslbad or Karlovy Vary is the best known spa
in CR. With our guide you can also see the Moser
glassworks, taste the town’s mineral waters and
have a bath.
overnight in the spa Karlovy Vary
8 hour round trip
Karlovy Vary spa
Carslbad or Karlovy Vary is the best known spa
in CR. With our guide you can also see the Moser
glassworks, taste the town’s mineral waters and
have a bath.
Vysoka, the museum of Antonin Dvorak, where he composed the opera "Rusalka"
Antonin Dvorak spent in his country house about
20 years and more than 30 works were composed
here. Our guide will give you the explanation of
the exhibition in the museum situated in the
chateau of the Dvorak´s brother-in-law and will
show you the lake, that was an inspiration of his
most famous opera “Rusalka”.
Holy Mountain, pilgrimage place, the source of inspiration of Antonin Dvorak
Pribram - Holy Mountain
The pilgrims who once traveled tens or even hundreds of kilometers on foot have been replaced by believers and tourists who use cars and buses.
Svata Hora is a place to meet God and the Virgin Mary. People deeply believed in Our Lady of Svata Hora, bringing her offerings and uttering prayers in her name.
The first archbishop of Prague, Arnost of Pardubice, was known as a great worshipper of the Virgin Mary and an advocate of the small archiepiscopal town of Pribram. The hill Pribram most likely took its name from the shrine on its summit, which was consecrated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Legends speak of a knight named Malovec (Arnost of Pardubice was from the family Malovec), who apparently lived in the 13th century and was miraculously saved from thieves at the site.
The 16th century was a time of unprecendented prosperity thanks to the silver mining around Pribram. From that time, people have travelled from afar to worship at the figurine of the Virgin Mary. The chapel at the site is now a part of the present-day basilica. The most famous resident of the site was the blind hermit Jan Prochazka, who moved there after losing his sight. When he was there, his sight miraculously returned to him. Following that, the legend of the Merciful Virgin Mary of Svata Hora began to spread. The first report of the Svata Hora well, with its miraculous water, also comes from this time.
The Jesuit order built a pilgrimage site there. The construction of the Svata hora complex began in 1658. Building was completed by the famous Svata Hora stairway leading from Pribram town directly to Svata Hora. In 1932, the figurine of the Virgin Mary was crowned. For this special occasion, the figurine was dressed in golden armor called "the coronation armor." Since that time, a Coronation ceremony has taken place every year.
The Jesuit order was abolished in 1773 and Svata Hora was put under the administration of lay provosts. This lasted until 1861, at which time the site was entrusted to the Congregation of the Redeemer, the Redemptorists, whose era has endured despite a break between 1950 and 1990.
April 13 1950 was a black day in history. On that date, all monasteries and friaries in Czechoslovakia were shut, and the monks and friars interned and imprisoned at different locations. Monastic oredrs were made illegal - at one point there was even talk of demolishing the entire complex. But even in these adverse times, there were pilgrimages to Svata Hora. In 1978 the venerable pilgrimage site caught fire. The intensity and rapid spread of the fire, together with the presence of secret police, who acted against amateur photographers trying to record the event, reinforced the feeling among people that a conspiracy was involved.
Following the Velvet Revolution in 1989, religious life was renewed at Svata Hora. On March 1, 1990 , the Archbishop of Prague, Cardinal Frantiske Tomasek, invited the Redemptorists to return to Svata Hora, where they carry out their beneficial work to this day.
Svata Hora has inspired many artists, the most well-known being composer Antonin Dvorak. A visit to the site inspired Dvorak to compose one of his "poetic moods", opus 85. Jakub Jan Ryba , the composer of the famous Czech Christmas Mass, devoted the composition "Svatohorsky kur" (Holy Mountain Chorus) to Svata Hora .
back to Prague
8 hour round trip
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